In today's world everybody is talking about sustainability, a process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the orientation of investment plans, the technological development and the institutional changes cooperate to enhance the potential and current future to address the needs and aspirations of humanity, obviously preserving our "Earth".
For many years now, the issues of safeguarding the planet and protecting people have been on everyone's lips and today more than ever, it is necessary to apply these concepts to the textile supply chain, considered one of the most polluting in the world.
However, talking about sustainability and focusing exclusively on the finished product is certainly an understatement. Our goal is to create and maintain an eco-sustainable supply chain for all chemical and textile products, an integrated ecosystem of selected partners who share the Company's values and mission. For this reason, we have decided to apply the Chemical Management 4sustainability® protocol and implement the MRSL ZDHC v.2.0 (Manufacturing Restricted Substances List), involving the entire production chain in the project and making the principles of good chemistry, more generally, a concrete commitment to a cleaner planet that is greenwashing-proof!